It would appear as though Roger Clemens might be in trouble, thanks to some congressional hearings held today. I watched about 10 minutes of it this morning, but I'm on vacation, and I'm not in the habit of watching congressional hearings anyway. But I've read that Rog had no adequate response to Andy Pettitte's story that Clemens told Pettitte he used HGH, and that he could be in line for a perjury charge.
My response: Why in the world is our Congress wasting its time talking to baseball players about what substances they have or have not injected into their bodies? We have no bigger problems as a country? Is this what you elected your senators and congressional representatives to do? Sure, I hate cheating as much as the next person, but that's a matter for Major League Baseball to figure out. They were asleep at the switch for far too long, sure, but that still doesn't mean it's time for Congress to get involved. If Clemens broke the law, that's a police matter. Congress is not a law enforcement agency; it's there to make laws, not enforce them.
They're grandstanding to get their names in the paper. That may seem cynical, but that's the way I see it.
The Dery Brothers Guardians Cast S6:E8 – Home sweep!
Matt and Todd are in a great mood coming off the sweep of Oakland. Your
first-place Guardians are on fire. The boys talk rotation worries, Josh […]
10 months ago
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