Just as the Golf Channel's Kelly Tilghman was getting ready to go back to work after her racially insensitive on-air gaffe, ESPN2's Dana Jacobson was apparently having a few vodka drinks on her way to insulting one of the world's major religions.
We know this: Jacobson, in a roast of fellow ESPN2 personality Mike Golic, a Notre Dame grad, said "f- Notre Dame," and she said "f- Touchdown Jesus." We also know that she was sloppy drunk. There are conflicting reports about whether she said "f- Jesus," and if so, how bad an offense that would be. Bill Donohue, who appears to speak for American Catholics (I am not one, in case you were wondering), seems to want her fired if she said that. Notre Dame has forgiven her, which is what Jesus taught us to do, if I properly understood my United Church of Christ Sunday school lessons.
I say, give the woman a break. How many of us have said something we regretted when we've had a few too many? (Come to think of it, I don't think I have; at least not that I remember. But still.) She wasn't on the air, and let's not forget that this was a roast. The whole point of a roast is to insult people, as long as it's funny. I've heard more creative jokes, but I could see where it'd be funny coming out of a drunk woman's mouth.
Here's something to ponder: What would happen to her if there were even a hint that she'd said something like that about Muhammad? Even naming a stuffed animal after him is punishable by death in some people's eyes.
This rundown of female TV sports personalities is interesting. Of course, the whole premise of the article is that it's usually men who do these things; I haven't taken the time to evaluate whether that's true, but it seems likely.
Well, I'm off to wash up before bed. I wonder if I can find some holy water around here somewhere.
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