Happy 70th birthday, 1958 Heisman Trophy winner, Rhodes Scholar, Brigadier General, Dr. Pete Dawkins.
Dawkins excelled at just about everything he tried, and though Yale wanted him, he went to the U.S. Military Academy instead. He was a halfback and captain of the football team, and was also an assistant captain of the Army hockey team. And he might be the only Heisman Trophy winner to be a Rhodes Scholar. While at Oxford, he won three blues in rugby. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds impressive.
Dawkins never played in the NFL, instead serving a long career in the U.S. Army, winning two Bronze Stars for valor in Vietnam and retiring after 24 years as a Brigadier General. Following that, he started a career on Wall Street, eventually becoming chairman and CEO of Primerica Financial Services. He is currently vice chairman of Citigroup Private Bank.
In 1988, he did probably the only thing he ever failed at -- running for the U.S. Senate. He got the Republican nomination, but lost to incumbent Democrat Frank Lautenberg in November.
Normally, if a Heisman winner doesn't go to the NFL, I'd think that was a shame. In this case, I'd say it would have been a shame if he had.
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