Since I have nothing much going on today, I wanted to blog about something, but there's not much going on today in Cleveland sports. So I'm going to write about my Thanksgiving.
I learned a fun new party game yesterday at my wife's parents' house -- spoons, in which spoons are placed in the middle of the table, everybody gets four cards and passes cards around the table until somebody has four of a kind, then that person grabs a spoon, at which point everybody tries to grab a spoon. But since there is one spoon fewer than the number of players, somebody always loses. And if two people are grabbing a spoon at the same time, it becomes a battle of strength. At one point, I accidentally elbowed my mother-in-law in the face trying to pull a spoon out of the middle, then had to fight her for that spoon. I got it from her, by the way. There's something very strange about forcibly pulling something out of your mother-in-law's hand, even if it is just a game.
So it's kind of like musical chairs, but with spoons. And it's a fun way to mangle your friends and family. There were lots of broken fingernails and such, though nobody broke any bones, that I know of. There was biting, though -- and not a quick nibble, but a long, drawn-out "my teeth aren't letting go of your forearm until your hand lets go of that spoon" type of thing. And at one point, my pregnant wife, who was next to me at the end of the table and therefore had to stand to grab a spoon, knocked her chair over in standing up, but didn't realize she had knocked her chair over, and when she went to sit back down in her chair, fell all the way to the floor. I should add that nobody laughed at her until they made sure she was OK.
It's a rough game. And I look forward to playing it again soon.
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10 months ago
Classic game. I first played it in college in our dorm. Recently, me own extended family has taken a liking to it. Good times.
Yes, spoons is a lot of fun...and I am glad you enjoyed it...You did just fine for a Rookie...
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