This report details why left-handers generally have an advantage over right-handers in baseball. There's honestly not much here that baseball aficionados don't already know, but the theory about lefties getting an advantage by learning to write in a right-handers' world is interesting. I'd like to see someone explore that, but I have no idea how such a project might be undertaken. After all, I'm a writer, not a scientist.
The report does not mention that lefties have a huge defensive disadvantage if they play infield positions other than first base. I probably don't have to explain this to anyone who watches much baseball, but a left-hander would have to twist his body around to make the throw to first from second, short or third. Never mind turning a double play. I recently saw a brief snippet of a youth softball game outside Chardon (I don't usually go to youth softball games, but I was looking for the parking lot for the bike trail that goes by there, and went to the wrong place). I noted that the shortstop for one of the teams was a lefty. She's probably the best athlete on the team, and the disadvantages of being a left-handed middle infielder might be overcome at that level. But if she tries to play college softball, she's going to have to move to first base or the outfield, unless she can pitch.
The Dery Brothers Guardians Cast S6:E8 – Home sweep!
Matt and Todd are in a great mood coming off the sweep of Oakland. Your
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10 months ago
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