What can one say about a five-year deal for Boobie Gibson? We're talking about a guy who's shooting 44% from behind the three-point line in his career -- second in Cavaliers history, behind the great Mark Price. That's the kind of weapon a team needs when it has one of the greatest take-it-to-the-whole guys you'll ever see. (LeBron James, in case this is the first thing you've ever read about basketball.)
Here's a question I've been pondering for a few months: Would Boobie have made the difference against the Celtics? If so, would the NBA championship banner now be hanging in Cleveland? We'll never know, of course, but Boobie's 10.4 points a game were good enough for third on the team, among players who ended the season in Cleveland; and as we all remember, that series went seven. And with just a little bit of a lift, the Cavaliers could have won that seventh game. (Boobie was hurt and didn't play, in case you weren't paying attention.)
The Indians have fallen on hard times this year, and the Browns have a tough schedule ahead of them. So the Cavaliers appear to have the best chance to bring Cleveland its first title since 1964. ESPN's been doing its "Titletown USA" competition over the past month or so, and it's been mildly interesting, but if only because Cleveland has zero chance of being included, I haven't been paying very close attention. I'm optimistic about the near-term future of all three of our teams, but the bottom line is that none of them have won a championship since seven years before I was born. And that's darned depressing, to the extent that sports matter. (They don't really, of course, but we still care.)
Boobie, you have until 2013 to end that drought. I know you can't do it by yourself. But I also know that if it's going to happen, it'll require a significant contribution from you. We're counting on you.
The Dery Brothers Guardians Cast S6:E8 – Home sweep!
Matt and Todd are in a great mood coming off the sweep of Oakland. Your
first-place Guardians are on fire. The boys talk rotation worries, Josh […]
10 months ago
Agreed! Boobie is a good bet any day!!
Steve, Boobie could become the complement to LeBron James that Scottie Pippen was to Michael Jordan with the Bulls in the 90s. In spite of a collection of talented players, the Cavs won't win a title without a legitimate, reliable and explosive scoring threat, and Boob is the closest thing they have to that right now. Larry Hughes was supposed to be that man, but never panned out. I will go so far as to say that whether the Cavs win a title in the LeBron James era (two more seasons) depends more on the Boob than it does the King. What do you think?
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